Friday, September 1, 2017

Jessica Chastain wants you to know she's committed to dismantling systems of oppression

Presumably the video is in response to backlash Chastain recieved after she tweeted a series of articles condemning the "alt-left":

I'm making a video because my heart is very heavy.

I've learned so much in the past few days about the trauma many people are experencing in our country. I've had the opportunity to listen more than to speak and it's really hard to express my feelings, my thoughts in 140 characters on twitter so here's my first video.

I wanted you guys to know that I hear you. I wanted you to know that I'm committed to creating transformative social change that I am committed to dismantling systems of oppression.

I share in the sadness of what is happening in this country. I hear you and you may never have met me but I love you.


from Oh No They Didn't!

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