Saturday, September 2, 2017

Libba Bray writes an essay in response to the all-female Lord of the Flies

ICYMI a new all female version of Lord of the Flies to be written and directed by two white dudes was recently announced.

People did not take it well.

Many people (including many ONTDers) pointed to Libba Bray's Beauty Queens as an existing book that followed the same lines of Lord of the Flies and would make more sense to adapt rather than trying to gender flip Lord of the Flies. Bray wrote an op-ed for EW on her thoughts on the announcement.

Some highlights:

  • Says when she saw the announcement for the all-female Lord of the Flies she rolled her eyes because she wrote a version and Hollywood was not interested

  • Beauty Queens has been trying to be produced for years but most executives are male and don't "get" it and wanted adaptations that devolved into cat-fights and literal hair pulling

  • Another one of her novels, A Great and Terrible Beauty, was pitched to Hollywood studios that repeatedly told her she needed to add more men or change her lead (female) character to a male character

  • Points to recent successes like Wonder Woman, Girls Trip and Hidden Figures as women-centric movies that did well but will be written off as "flukes"

  • Says the problem is too many male execs at the top who are afraid of giving any power at all to women


from Oh No They Didn't!

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