Saturday, July 29, 2017

Dr. Luke v. Kesha Update: Lady Gaga Dodging Deposition Demands

- Dr. Luke is suing Kesha for defamation in New York State Court
- Lady Gaga was served a deposition order in March 2017
- She has yet to sit for the deposition
- Dr. Luke's legal team is asking for all text messages to Kesha, Kesha's family and anyone connected to the "#Freekesha" movement
- Dr. Luke's team says that Kesha told Lady Gaga through text message that an unnamed recording artist (who was previously revealed as Katy Perry) was abused by the same person that as her (op note: I still don't understand how Dr. Luke and his team found out about this conversation, which they quote directly in the filed documents)
-Lady Gaga has turned over some text messages, which have been heavily redacted by her lawyers (Luke's team wants copies without censoring)
- Lady Gaga wants to provide a signed affidavit instead, but Luke's team wants the judge to force her to take the originally ordered 3 hour desposition


Remember: even though Kesha is releasing new music, she isn't free!

from Oh No They Didn't!

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