Thursday, June 1, 2017

Racist tweets uncovered on Bachelorette contestant's twitter

In a completely predictable development, fans have discovered that the twitter account of Lee Garrett, a contestant on the season of the first black Bachelor franchise lead, is full of racist, misogynistic, and Islamaphobic tweets.

Lee was shown in the season preview giving a confessional about how he's going to have problems with some of the guys in the house because he's the only country boy there.

Some choice quotes from his now-locked twitter:
"Hillary Clinton is the millenial's version of OJ"
"I don't hate Muslims, but I do hate Islam"
"Guys... When is the last time you saw a pretty feminist? There's a reason for this"
"Women were meant to hang around for a few seconds these days. Dogs were meant to stick around. Get a dog boys. Get a dog."
"What's the difference between the NAACP and the KKK? Wait for it.... One has the sense of shame to cover their racist ass faces"

He also called for Black Lives Matter to be recognized as a terrorist organization, shared an article with the headline "Setting the record straight: IRISH: THE FORGOTTEN WHITE SLAVES", and tweeted an article claiming to destroy "the liberal narrative on Alton Sterling shooting.


from Oh No They Didn't!

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