Saturday, April 1, 2017

Viggo Mortensen Shares Top 10 books

- viggo mortensen details the 10 books he would want with him on a desert island at this particular moment
- list includes:
- 1. the origin of species - charles darwin b/c "there is nothing more important than the natural world we live in, and we are bound to affect it positively or negatively by virtue of our relatively brief individual and collective presence. Darwin’s visionary study of the evolution of living beings on our planet is a crucial guide to our understanding of why we are here and what we might to do to live in harmony with our environment"
- 7. the gaucho martín fierroi - josé hernández: "I debated between Cervantes’ “Don Quijote” and “Martín Fierro,” because they both are great classic epic stories in the Spanish language, but ended up choosing José Hernández’s great poetic work because of my early connection with it as a child growing up in Argentina."
- 10. a people's history of the united states - howard zinn: "If every U.S. citizen could have the benefit of knowing Zinn’s collection of historical texts from a wide range of relatively known and unknown people throughout our country’s history, there would be a lot better quality in our current political class and in the style and substance of our governance."

source 1
source 2

what books would you want on a desert island, ontd?

from Oh No They Didn't!

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